Welcome to our services at Yetholm (10am) and at Morebattle (11.15). Trish Gentry will lead our services.
Welcome to our services at Yetholm (10am), where we have the Kirking of the Bari Gadgi and Bari Manushi, and Morebattle (11.15). We also welcome any visitors and encourage you to sign our visitors’ book and stay for refreshments.
Call to Worship Hymn 212 – Morning has broken Prayer of Adoration/ Confession Lord’s Prayer Reflection 1 Readings – 1 Samuel 8: 4-11, 16-20 Mark 3: 20-35 Hymn 530 – One more step Reflection 2 Hymn 710 – I have a dream Dedication of Offering / Prayers of Intercession Hymn 476 – Mine eyes have seen the glory Benediction |