Welcome to our services at Yetholm (10am) and Morebattle (11.15am) for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost.
With wisdom and generosity, God created us. With grace and compassion, Jesus embraces us. With ideas and inspiration The Holy Spirit transforms us. Let us worship God. Hymn 124 – Praise to the Lord Prayers of Adoration & Confession/ Lord’s Prayer All-age Talk Readings – Esther 7: 1-6 (Pg 506) Mark 9: 38-50 (Pg 1013) Hymn 84 – Now Israel may say Prayer Holy God, your law is perfect and your statutes are trustworthy and so we pray to you, knowing that you will hear our prayers and answer them in your way. We pray for all people who seek to be salt and light as followers of you and help us speak your word of truth with confidence and with love. Amen Reflection Hymn 263 – God of freedom, God of justice Prayers of Dedication & Intercession Hymn – I dream of a church Benediction
Welcome to our services at Yetholm (10am) and Morebattle (11.15am). There are refreshments after the service at Yetholm.
In the beginning, and today, God shapes beauty from chaos. Today, we respond in praise! In the beginning, and today, God speaks. Today, we speak out. From the beginning, and for all days, God sustains with faithfulness. Today, we seek to walk in God’s ways Hymn 210 – Awake my soul and with the sun Prayers of Adoration/ Confession/Lord’s Prayer All-age Talk Readings - Proverbs 1: 20-33 (Pg 635) Mark 8: 27-38 (Pg 1012) Hymn 686 – How happy are all who hear Prayer Loving God, you sent to earth your son Jesus Christ so that in your power and love, we may have the gift of eternal life. Grant us wisdom to listen to your instructions whereby we "will live in safety, and be at ease, without fear of harm". Amen Reflection Hymn 238 – Lord, bring the day to pass Prayers of Dedication & Intercession Hymn 154 – O lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Benediction Welcome to our services at Yetholm (10am) and Morebattle (11.15am), the latter being the Guild Dedication Service.
From sunrise to sunset, Let us praise God’s holy name. With the wisdom of the aged and the energy of the young, Let us praise God’s holy name. In our work, in our homes, and in all we do, Let us praise God’s holy name. Let us praise the Lord with all our hearts! We will worship God now and always. Hymn 500- Lord of Creation Prayers of Adoration/Confession/ Lord’s Prayer All-age Talk Readings - Proverbs 31: 10-31 (Pg 667) Mark 9: 30-37 (Pg 1013) Hymn 118 – Womb of life Prayer Faithful God, draw near to us, strengthen our faith, deepen our love for you and for our neighbours. Help us to be a welcoming congregation. Open our eyes to the wonder of your love and your creation as we worship you. Amen. Reflection Choir Anthem Dedication of Offering Guild Rededication In faith we now dedicate ourselves Through our worship, prayer and action To serve you faithfully, to love you with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind and to serve one another as your Son, Jesus Christ, has shown his love for us. Renew, refresh us as members of the Guild, as we continue on our journey through life. Guide our thinking and bless all that we do in your name, whose we are and whom we serve and in whose name we pray. Amen Hymn 553- Just as I am Prayers of Thanksgiving & Intercession Hymn 694 – Sister, brother, let me serve you(MB)/ 561 - Blessed Assurance (Yeth) Benediction Welcome to our services at Yetholm (10am) and Morebattle (11.15am). Gordon McInally will lead our worship.
Welcome and Notices Call to Worship Your way, O God, is holy. What god is so great as You? You are the God who works wonders. You have displayed Your might among the peoples whom You have redeemed with Your strong arm. We approach You as Your faithful people. Our ears are open to Your word. Our hearts are open to Your comfort, renewal and challenge. Pour out Your truth upon us as we worship You. For Your way, O God, is holy. What god is so great as You? Hymn 184 – Sing to the Lord a Joyful Song Prayers of Adoration and Confession, and Lord’s Prayer Reflection Readings: James 2: 1-10, 14-17 Mark 7: 24-37 Hymn 598 Come, Holy Ghost our hearts inspire Prayer Loving God, we are reminded from our Bible readings that Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind, unstop deaf ears and cast out evil spirits. We especially pray for any we know who are in need of specialist care to help them improve their lives. Lord as the maker of us all, help us to be generous and a blessing to all whom we come in contact with this week. Amen Address Hymn 710 “I had a dream” a man once said Prayers of Dedication, Thanksgiving and Intercession Hymn 153 Great is thy Faithfulness Benediction |