Sadly, the service on Sunday the 15th April was the last in which Una Stewart led us as our locum minister. She has been with us for 18 months and has been much appreciated by everyone in our community. She now feels the time has come to move on ... We wish Una every happiness in her retirement. The picture shows Carol Butler presenting Una with a bouquet of flowers at the end of the service in Yetholm.
Reflecting on her time with us, Una says: I accepted the offer to be locum to Cheviot Churches because I had such warm and happy memories of the people and places from the time of my Student Attachment all those years ago. I was delighted to discover that as I remembered people/faces, so there seemed to be many who remembered me, not to mention one or two who even remembered my then dog! It has been a time I will hold dear in my heart for the fun, laughter, teasing and good nature which I found. There was a willingness to be open to something different and a ready response. I found a depth of faith, trust in God and a warmth and friendship for one another and for those who came along to worship with us as pilgrims, holidaymakers, hikers. Each Church within the group has its own identity and ethos reflecting something of the breadth of our faith, yet an increasing openness to one another which bodes so well for the future. An exciting time as you look for the one God has already chosen to come as Minister. I intend slipping in at the back, in true Presbyterian fashion!, every so often as I feel I now have friends in the congregations and do not want to lose touch. Who knows at some point you may even see me walking part of one of the 'Ways' with a new four footed companion - biscuits always welcome if you do see us! God's blessing on you all.
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November 2024