We welcome everyone to our services at Yetholm (10am) and Linton (11.15am).
Call to Worship Come all you saints, from west and east and from south and north: we come and worship God. Come and worship, find here strength for the journey, forgiveness for failure and inspiration from Jesus our wounded yet triumphant Lord: we come and worship God. Hymn 740 – For all the saints (vv 1-2, 6-8) Prayer of Adoration and Confession O Most High, we come to rest from our labours and offer our praises to You, our Rock, Fortress, and Might. We come to meet You in word and song, movement and silence, knowing You hold us in the silence of Your love. O Incarnate Word, we come to confess Your name, as committed yet muddled disciples. We see Your saints of old, Lord Jesus, and admire their tenacity, faith, and determination to proclaim You despite the cost. Forgive us when we’re distracted disciples, when our faith fails and when our Christianity is compromised, when we’d prefer to flee to ocean’s farthest coast rather than proclaim You as Lord. O Eternal Flame of Love, give us time to change, time to see the world around us, grace to understand what proclaiming Jesus as King of Glory may mean for us now, and time to see the more glorious day that awaits us and all the saints. My friends God is gracious and kind, running with arms stretched wide in welcome when we turn back. Your sins are forgiven, have the grace to forgive yourselves and those who’ve wounded you. Lord’s Prayer Readings - Revelation 7:9-17 Matthew 5:1-12 Hymn 730 – From the falter of breath Weekly Prayer Vulnerable God, you challenge the powers that rule this world through the needy, the compassionate and those who are filled with longing. Make us hunger and thirst to see right prevail, and single-minded in seeking peace: that we may see your face and be satisfied in you, through Jesus Christ. Amen Sermon Hymn 744 -Hark how the adoring hosts Offering Prayers of Thanksgiving & Intercession Bless the gifts we bring, and inspire our discipleship so that our lives will also witness to your love in Christ’s name. Amen. God of all people, all places and all situations, we come seeking your strength and your direction, to know the comfort of your presence and the energy of your Spirit. You have called us to work towards reconciliation in the world. Help us to live out the ways of your kingdom in your Church and in our lives. God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Jesus, you said, “Blessed are the poor”. We pray for those who live on the margins of our community, facing the challenges of low income and the insecurity it brings. Make us generous stewards of the abundance we enjoy so that there will be enough for all. God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Jesus, you said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst”. We pray for people and communities facing famine and drought. Give strength to people and agencies dedicated to alleviating misery. Move us to share what we have with those who go hungry. God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Christ, you blessed the peacemakers. We pray for those who work for peace and reconciliation in a divided world. Protect those who face violence, persecution, and chaos day by day, and bring an end to hostilities. Move us to serve as mediators and models of forgiveness in our relationships. God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Jesus, you blessed those who weep. We pray for those who are dying, and those who mourn their loved ones. We name in silence those on our hearts this day, including those saints who have blessed us in days and years gone by: A time of silence is kept. Keep us united in love with all who rest from life in this world but live with you. God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer. Amen Hymn 742 – Rejoice in God’s saints Benediction
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